Meet Neerja Birla: All Things You Need to Know About Her

Read Stories of Neerja Birla

Neerja Birla is a renowned Indian educator, mental health activist, and philanthropist.

She is the wife of Kumar Mangalam Birla, the chairman of the Aditya Birla Group, and has made significant contributions to various fields, including education and mental health.

Early Life and Education

Neerja Birla was born on April 15, 1971. She holds a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in psychology from the University of Derby.

Career and Achievements

Neerja is the founder and chairperson of the Aditya Birla Education Trust (ABET), which aims to positively impact the lives of people through education and mental health initiatives.

She is also the founder of Mpower, a revolutionary movement that has brought about a paradigm shift in India’s attitude towards mental health by spreading awareness, alleviating stigma, and providing holistic mental health care.

Awards and Recognition

Neerja has received numerous awards and honors for her work, including the Icon of Excellence Award by FICCI-FLO–Sambhavaa, the Woman of Excellence Award, the Hall of Fame award by Hello Magazine, and the DEVI award by The New Indian Express. 

She was also honored with the Changemaker of the Year award at the 2022 Woman Achievers Awards and holds the Global Chair Mental Health position at the G100, a distinguished group of top 100 female leaders.

Personal Life

Neerja is married to Kumar Mangalam Birla and has three children, including Ananya Birla, Aryaman Birla, and Advaitesha Birla.

Neerja Birla With Her Family

She is an animal lover and often shares pictures of her pet dog on social media. Neerja is also a morning person who practices meditation and pranayama, and she follows intermittent fasting.


Neerja is involved with various non-profit organizations, including Pratham, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Muktangan, Save the Children, and Seva Sadan.

Philanthropist Neerja Birla
Philanthropist Neerja Birla

She is a strong advocate for gender equality in the workplace and has spoken about the importance of policies that support women’s mental well-being and career growth.

Net Worth

Neerja’s net worth is not publicly disclosed, but her husband Kumar Mangalam Birla has an estimated net worth of $23 billion, making him one of the richest individuals in India.

Personal Interests:

Neerja Birla is a fitness enthusiast and enjoys outdoor sports, reading, listening to music, and traveling.

How has Neerja Birla’s work impacted mental health awareness in India

Dr. Neerja Birla
Dr. Neerja Birla

Neerja Birla’s work has significantly impacted mental health awareness in India by addressing the stigma and taboo surrounding mental health issues. Here are some key aspects of her impact:

Stigma Reduction:

Birla has been instrumental in reducing the stigma associated with mental health in India. She has worked tirelessly to create awareness and promote open conversations about mental health, which has helped to normalize the topic and encourage people to seek help without fear of judgment.

Awareness and Education:

Through her organization, Mpower, Birla has created various initiatives to educate people about mental health, including workshops, seminars, and online resources. This has helped to increase awareness and understanding of mental health issues, which is crucial for addressing the problem effectively.

Public-Private Partnerships:

Birla has emphasized the importance of public-private partnerships in addressing mental health issues. She has collaborated with governments and private organizations to increase investment in mental health services and expand their reach.

Empowering Women:

Birla has highlighted the specific challenges faced by women in India when it comes to mental health. She has emphasized the need for women’s empowerment and the importance of creating a supportive environment for women to address their mental health concerns.

Holistic Approach:

Birla’s work has focused on a holistic approach to mental health, encompassing education, awareness, and support services. This comprehensive approach has helped to address the complex needs of individuals and families affected by mental health issues.

Scaling Services:

Birla has worked to scale up mental health services by collaborating with schools, governments, and other organizations. This has increased the availability of mental health resources and services, making them more accessible to a wider population.

Media Role:

Birla has emphasized the crucial role of media in creating awareness and normalizing mental health conversations. She has called for more media coverage and engagement to help destigmatize mental health and encourage people to seek help.

Overall, Neerja Birla’s work has made significant strides in breaking the taboo around mental health in India, increasing awareness, and promoting a holistic approach to addressing mental health issues.

Also Read: Education qualifications of Kumar Mangalam Birla’s family members

Muskan, a passionate storyteller and social media manager at Startup Forte. With a talent for sharing impactful founder stories, she invites you to explore inspiring journeys with us.

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